
1 September 2013

Kaffa Espresso Bar, Penang.

This cafe is opened recently like a week ago! For Penangites you can find this place easily because it is located near Segi college, for those who're not from Penang you can visit their Facebook page HERE or scroll to the end for full address :) I had no idea about its existence until bf brought me here and I loveeeee its surrounding at first sight. 

So bf brought me here because he's a coffee lover and since they serve good coffee here, why not?

We were greeted by friendly staff and The Beatles

Picture on wall. Their interior is a little bit dark, not suitable for study but definitely a good place to relax, if you come here in day time and don't like the darkness, you can request to sit upstairs which is open air!

As you can see it is very spacious and I bet it will be nicer at night.

They only have fans upstairs though if you cannot stand the heat (like me) I would suggest you to stay indoor :)

Okay so I forgot to take pictures of where we were seated (which is very comfy) so I'm gonna steal photo from Kaffa's Facebook page which is HERE again! Support them aight?
Photo credit: Kaffa Espresso Bar. See what I meant by comfy? Just look at their seats! You could just sit there and sip on your coffee, chit chat with your friends and family for all day long! 

Another kind of setting, they have quite a number of retro or old stuff.

Photo credit: Joshua (bf)

Photo credit: Joshua
My bf can really take good photos but too bad I'm not photogenic :(

They serve not only coffee but even heavy food and breakfast! 
They open at 8am and it's convenient for the students nearby. You can even have lunch or dinner here!

Photo credit: Joshua. I think he's the tauke (boss) but he referred himself as "little man with coffee machine" lol. We ordered Piccolo latte, hot chocolate and peanut crepe cake and we requested for 3D foam art haha.

3D in the making by little man with coffee machine.

The outcome, the back of a panda. It's not the nicest of course but it's still fun watching him putting his effort trying to satisfy our request, thanks a lot! Bf likes the taste as it is not too strong, suitable for chillax purpose unlike those strong coffee he needs for assignments. Again photo credit goes to Joshua.

 Photo credit: Joshua. My hot chocolate with cute little doggie paws awwww it reminds me of my little daodao at home. It's not too sweet and the chocolate taste is not strong enough, but no worries people my bf has already feedback to them and I believe they will improve the recipe by then :)

Photos credit: Joshua.
Peanut crepe cake. I did not eat much because I don't really like peanut or anything with peanut in it, except for Nips I suppose (and how dare my bf forget about it!) It tastes ok for me, luckily the peanut taste is not too strong and I can still try to cope with it.

In overall both of us liked the surrounding very much, the music is relaxing, staffs are friendly and really really like its comfy seats :D Do pay them a visit aight? 

22, Green Hall,
10200 Georgetown,
Pulau Pinang.

Operation Hour:
Every day 8am - 10pm

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